
Welcome at Moolenaar

We welcome visitors and guests to our company. Because we take yours and our safety serious we have safety regulations which can be found on the table near the reception.

Visitors that will walk through the production have to wear safety jackets so they are clearly visable.

Do not forget to registar at the reception. Arrival time will be logged and you will receive a visitors batch.


U kunt gratis gebruik maken van ons Wifi netwerk.

Please use our free Wifi network.

SSID : mln public
Key : Welkom456

Jarig in juli

07 juli - Marliyah Broere
07 juli - David Tsilatsava
10 juli - Pamela Vrolijk
11 juli - Paul Clemens
14 juli - Remco Clemens
18 juli - Kasia Ostrowska
21 juli - Szilvia Kocsis
28 juli - Elisaveta Leonidou
30 juli - Ruud Leichel
31 juli - Odile Noort - Schmidt

Gefeliciteerd allemaal !!!

Accident free

The "Accident free days counter" is a counter that shows the days without a major incident.

Well done everybody for working in a safe manner and keeping the counter counting !!!

Dziękujemy wszystkim za pracę w sposób
bezpieczny !!!




Days without major incidents


// One day Time in ms (milliseconds)
let one_day = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;

// To set present_dates to two variables
let present_date = new Date();

// 0-11 is Month in JavaScript
let christmas_day =
new Date(present_date.getFullYear(), 11, 25);

// To Calculate next year's Christmas if passed already.
if (present_date.getMonth() ==
11 && present_date.getDate() > 25) {
christmas_day.setFullYear(christmas_day.getFullYear() + 1);

// To Calculate the result in milliseconds and
// then converting into days
let Result = Math.round((christmas_day.getTime() -
present_date.getTime()) / one_day);

// To remove the decimals from the (Result)
// resulting days value
let Final_Result = Result.toFixed(0);

// To display the final_result value
console.log("Number of days remaining till Christmas:\n" +
present_date.toDateString() + " and " +
christmas_day.toDateString() +
" is: " + Final_Result + " days");